Use string formatting in Python programming


Here are 3 ways to format strings and print the output of the asked (input) variables. The last method is in my opinion the best way to go. But I’m no programmer and this is my first day of Python language training (all these posts are for personal reference)

Option 1:

					#Asking name and age variable
asked_name = input("What is your name: ")
asked_age = input("What is your age: ")

# Insert new line (\n) and print message of the asked name and age.
message1 = "\nHello {fname}, your age is {fage}" .format(fname=asked_name, fage=asked_age)

The output of the script above:

					└───$ python3
What is your name: Sander
What is your age: 100

Hello sander, your age is 100


Option 2:

					#Asking name and age variable
asked_name = input("What is your name: ")
asked_age = input("What is your age: ")

# Insert new line (\n) and print message of the asked name and age.
message2 = "\nHello {0}, your age is {1}".format(asked_name, asked_age)

The output of the script above:

					└───$ python3
What is your name: Sander
What is your age: 99

Hello sander, your age is 99


Option 3:

					#Asking name and age variable
asked_name = input("What is your name: ")
asked_age = input("What is your age: ")

# Insert new line (\n) and print message of the asked name and age.
message3 = "Hello {}, your age is {}".format(asked_name, asked_age)

The output of the script above:

					└───$ python3
What is your name: Sander
What is your age: 88

Hello Sander, your age is 88


The best option 3 (my opinion):

					#Asking name and age variable
asked_name = input("What is your name: ")
asked_age = input("What is your age: ")

# Insert new line (\n) and print message of the asked name and age.
print(f"\nYour name is {asked_name} and your age is {asked_age} ")

The output of the script above:

					└───$ python3
What is your name: Sander
What is your age: 77

Your name is Sander and your age is 77
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